Wednesday 17 August 2011

iPhoneography - the creative process #1

Here's a before and after of a recent post/image;

This is from/for the August 'App it!' challenge at the iPhone Art website. I created a pin board with a selection of the other entries and to see them all visit the group at iPA

If you're curious about other artists' before and afters, there's a group for that too at iPA.

I got very engrossed creating this and didn't pay much attention at all to my work flow process. Here are a few of the shots still on my phone;

I tend to crop using 'Crop Suey' and of course cropping tends to be the first stage of the process. Then I added a vignette to darken the background and create more of a focal point. An app with lots of editing potential is Photo Studio, I added layer after layer of effects using that, including masking areas, (to add an effect only to certain parts of the image) tweaking colours, saving and discarding as I went. Then I went to one the best editing apps Filter Storm which, along with Snapseed, is my most frequent first choice for editing. The original Photoforge used to be a favourite and I know a lot of iPhoneographers use/prefer Iris but I always feel less intuitive about Iris... I experimented with tilt shift and other various effects (as you can see in the strip above) and I used the clone tool to tidy up my lazy masking and play with the background a little more.

Not a terribly detailed description I know, my goal is to start making notes and keeping a record of the stages that an image goes through, but real estate on my phone (to steal a phrase) is limited. For more detailed tutorials and help, try visiting this relatively new site -iPhoneography Central Hopefully there'll be a more detailed #2 post some time in the future.

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