Tuesday 3 May 2011


Some clarification is needed regarding me and Twitter (& other online stuff too I guess.)

Firstly - unless you're very lucky, I'm sure it won't have escaped your notice that I'm waiting for surgery. (I seem to be a little ball of grumbling pain and fatigue recently. Tsk.) Things aren't improving and I'm struggling to keep up with correspondence etc. So, please accept my heartfelt apologies. I miss being up to date with peeps lives...but am just unable to manage. Which I evidently need to try to accept.

Secondly - twitter following...
If you have no bio, or a TeamFollowBack stylee bio, no avatar, don't talk to other tweeps or RT them, I won't follow you back. I'm not on twitter as a popularity contest, trying to gather as many followers as possible, I'm there to meet like minded souls and be inspired. Also, as with everything (see above) it takes me a while to figure out who to follow back etc. So my apologies to genuine tweeps who wonder why I've not reciprocated.

Thanks for reading :) Have a happy week and may your muse be with you.

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