Friday, 29 July 2011

#artRage doodle and some examples of #percolator app

Another doodle, drawn with the bamboo stylus and Art Rage on my iPad. Then I used percolator to make a variety of changes to the image and gathered then together with Diptic so you can see some of the options that Percolator has.
Not sure what order these will post in as I'm using the Posterous app...which hasn't been reducing the sizes of images like it should...

Doodle stuff...

I've started a shop at Cafe Press and today began adding some Doodle products, here's a taster of some of the things so far;

it's just a start. I've only managed to add 5 doodle images so far and can't make every product with the images uploaded because the shape of the images will need to be altered to fit some of the items. Please let me know if you spot any typos or mistakes. It's going to take me a while to get set up properly because I can only do a little each day...but take a look at the flip flops! They're a new product and look fab with a doodle, (even if I do say so myself ;)

Thanks for looking if you do :)

#ArtRage doodle plus #percolator

Today's Art Rage doodle & it's percolated partner.
I love this blue so much at the moment. Lifts the spirits...

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Photo Artista - oil & haiku

In an attempt to get back to sleep, I've put the doodle through all of the Photo Artista apps - oil, sketch and haiku.
I confess that I processed the haiku one with Photoforge to increase the vibrancy...

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Tiny planet doodle...

Last ones for today. But...I don't like them.
iDroste next I think...

Kaleidoscope Doodle

Only one of this is the original art rage doodle given the kaleidoscope edit. Ive also ended up with a collection of percolated kaleidoscopes...which I prefer. See, the one app rule is too tough...

Percolated Doodle


I know nobody will believe me...but it's so hard to leave this alone...just one app. Extra fine rings.

This way up...



#artRage Doodle


I have returned to my very 'favouritest' drawing app - Art Rage. Continuing with the doodle theme as it's about all I'm fit for at the moment. I actually attempted a mind map today to try to figure out how to keep up with everything...but I'm no nearer a solution! I think the best thing would be for Fibro to cut me some slack, but there's a phrase about flying pigs that springs to mind...

A thought had as I finished this was - What if I put this through some apps? Just one at a time, not my usual oodles of processing with multiple apps. Just one at a time. So...

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

...and another #Inkpad doodle


No resizing, an A4 size digital drawing. Again drawn on an iPad with Inkpad. Posted mostly as an experiment to see how it posts with the Posterous app...

#inkpad play Vector art...


After getting enthusiastic feedback for the previous post I've continued my doodling art play. I was lucky enough to receive a Bamboo stylus to use with my iPad for my birthday so I used that and the Inkpad app.
I've been busy putting together some ideas I have for a new site and have been learning (or trying to learn) about vector layers and their importance when it comes to using text in a design. I've been creating a logo and header and I used my usual Paint Shop Pro, but alas that programme can't save as a PDF thingy something file so if I wanted to create a business card or similar from the designs they'll be fuzzy. So, I need to get to grips with Photoshop Elements. But Fibro brain isn't cooperating with that plan... Remembering that I have a vector drawing app on my iPad (Inkpad) I thought I'd see if Fibro brain could cope with a doodle or two created with that instead. It means thinking in a whole different way, or does for me, so it was a little frustrating at first, but I'm quite pleased with this drawing. I was hoping that the text tool in Inkpad would have the versatility of a desktop programme but alas it doesn't. So I'm still going to have to learn PSE...I have a book with lessons in...but I'm too impatient! I want to have the knowledge delivered to my brain directly, Matrix style.

A question for those out there with more knowledge of this subject than I (not difficult as I'm sure you've realised) do the online vector conversion sites do a good enough job for printing small scale items like buttons and stickers? advance.

*PS - Nel I salute you! And Blu. You guys are so encouraging and I'm lucky to have you out there. Thanks ever so much.

Monday, 25 July 2011



For the first time in AGES 'my' fatigue dropped enough for me to use my sketchbook. So I played with my letraset markers :) and had some fun (along with a colour boost!) hurrah for art therapy ;)

Saturday, 23 July 2011

A way out... #iphoneArt #tinyPlanet


This is the image 'Wind Music' given the Tiny Planet app treatment with a dash of Lenslight and Photoforge thrown in.
(So this was a drawing on the iPhone first, rather than a photograph.)

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Hope 2 #iPhoneArt #tinyPlanet


Another Spawn glow screen capture given a tiny planet edit. I've put a couple of these through the Kooleidoscope app (iirc) wonder what the glow effect prints like? Shame paper doesn't glow isn't wonder Hockney displays his iPad art on iPads.

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Free Art resources for download

Here's an art supplies manufacturer that provides quite a bit of REALLY useful free stuff to download.
Their guide to acrylics is really good and they also have lesson plans and such too;

Hope #iphoneArt #tinyPlanet


This is the digital art you get when you play with the 'Spawn Glow' app and process one of the images with Tiny Planet. I also used Artista Oil to add some texture.

I have a few items for sale at Cafe Press, it's not a paid store so I use it to get items printed that can't be sourced anywhere else. They do plus sizes in the tees for example and ceramic coasters. I've never bothered to investigate email settings and such there and don't log in very often. I did today and discovered I've made more than a couple of sales! So now I'm wondering...should I add as many designs as possible within the limits of the free store? Or give the paid version a go for a short while? Or is it just a fluke and I should forget about it ;)
My poor health this year has meant that I'm really behind with uploading art to my online sales places. That's part of the reason that I set up the Fotomoto Tumblr, at least when I've got Posterous auto posting there, my blog images will be available as cards and small prints (& eCards) no matter how well or organised I am.
My mind is buzzing with ideas...but my body refuses to cooperate.
I've always been known for my patience. Seems it's getting truly tested the last few years, especially this year. 30+ small children were easy peasy in comparison!

Sunday, 17 July 2011

For Nacho - RIP


"For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun?
And what is it to cease breathing, but to free the breath from its restless tides, that it may rise and expand and seek God unencumbered?

Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing.
And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb.
And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance."

See Marty's post @
Remind yourself of part of Nacho's legacy -

Friday, 15 July 2011

Reality casts no shadow #iphoneography


I've done some of the much needed tweaking to this site. Hope all the links work and that the information provided about art sales and resources make sense and are useful.
Please let me know if you find a link that doesn't work or whatever. Thanks! 

Tiny Planet lips #iPhoneArt


Here's the previous final image (of my mouth) given the tiny planet treatment...
This Posterous blog needs a major overhaul, so why did I just spend time messing about at these two places?
I think I prefer the first. Though when I google my name my Google profile appears, after it's asked me if I mean 'Sondra Locke' * and my page at the Saatchi Gallery comes up next. Interesting...

(I guess playing with fonts is easier than dealing with email and requires less brain power. But I should probably have carried on reading the Dresden Files...)

*No I don't.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Before & After #iPhoneArt


A blurry shot of my mouth taken with the wee macro lens becomes utterly different with the help of multiple apps...there's a before and after group at and I thought folks 'here' may find it interesting too...

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Day 42 #iPhoneography #iPhoneArt

So - my queued posts have ended (the initial post-op euphoria has ended too and in its place the boring business of Fibro slowed recovery has descended ;) But 41 didn't seem the right number to end on...42 is MUCH better seeing as it's the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything.

Here are the last of my July AppIt! images. The voting has started over on and I look forward to seeing what next months challenge will be. I was hoping to have made a Pintrest board of my faves from this month, but my body wanted to nap so that's something for another post...

Friday, 8 July 2011

wounded 2 - 38/30

I'm scheduling some of these images about a week after surgery.

I assume you'd probably have guessed which images are pain or anxiety related ;)

App it! July challenge,

There's another challenge brewing over on the App It! group at
These are my attempts so far. Click on the menu entry for groups at the top right of the web page and take a peek at the 'AppIt!' Group. Some fabulous creations to gaze upon...

Monday, 4 July 2011

34/30 #iPhoneArt


...hopefully I'll be well enough etc to have changed this or added some more. As well as wishing my American friends a Happy Independence day, it's also time to wish this blog a happy birthday. It's one year old today :) I'll check my google stats (I hope) and see how many lovely peeps have peeped at my creations. 

Thank you. Your feedback makes a lot of difference and keeps me going.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

32/30 #iPhoneArt

Paisley cloud cover

Sorry -  I wanted to be more organised about apps used and give more information but I've created a folder of stuff in something of a frenzy and I can't recall what I did to/with what. 

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