Monday, 30 January 2012

The biggest threat to Internet freedom - Help stop ACTA dear SOPA fighters...

I've just signed an urgent petition at to save the Internet as we know it.

Right now, a new global treaty could encourage corporations to police everything that we do on the Internet. Last week we successfully pushed back the US censorship bills -- if we act now, we can get the EU Parliament to bury this new threat to all of us -- click below to sign the petition:

Join me in this campaign here:

Sunday, 29 January 2012

AppIt returns to - WARNING this post contains trees.

After a break - both for AppIt! and for me - the challenge returns. This time the photo comes from iHeart.

I've avoided iPA for a while, along with a lot of things, because...oh a multitude of reasons. Mostly because I'm aware that I can no longer keep up with much and just posting and not commenting/replying much stresses me out with guilt.

Also, my muse doesn't seem to approve of my mood of late and has gone elsewhere.
Till Appit started.
The photo is of a tree.
Just a tree.
In a field.
...and I couldn't for the life of me decide what to do with it apart from alter its colour etc. But it's turned into a journey of app revisiting and I'm having fun.

Week 5/52 - Eyes

Week 5 of the 52 week challenge. The theme - eyes.

Tsk...missed a tree


Using the here's the last one

Sunday, 22 January 2012

week 4/52 'Up' - #art #MobileDigitalArt

week 4 of project 52. the title is 'up'. as usual i am a little limited by my health so it's another indoor shot. this time i'm posting a different image here than on google+ because poor little 'rule of thirds' got no attention last week. i suspect it veered too far away from what photogrpahers consider to be photography. here it is...

taken with the iOS5 camera app, then processed with

'camera+', 'segmentix', 'filterstorm', 'scratchcam'. 

I use 'strip designer' for the framing of multiple images and 'iWatermark' to watermark.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

stop SOPA

The SOPA strike site seems to be struggling, so take a peek at this Mashable article and Fight for the future, get avatars etc at the BlackoutSOPA page

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Week 3/52 - Rule of thirds

The title for this weeks project 52 is 'Rule of thirds', here's an explanation over on Wikipedia. Due to being housebound, the opportunies for a particularly interesting photo are somewhat limited so I though I'd approach it from a different direction.

I was reading an interview with David Hockney in last weeks Radio Times and one of the illustrations was one of his massive images made from smaller parts.

Hockney has a new exhibition opening at the Royal Academy from the 21st January 2012. There's been a small amount of broohaha about it with regard to him making a dig at Hirst. Here're some relevant links for those interested;

Interview with Andrew Marr 

A new way of seeing

Damian Hirst spot paintings...

Enough about where the idea came from, here are the 2 images I came up with;


Sunday, 8 January 2012

Muses Playground - challenge 8

We've all finished our submissions for the 8th challenge over at Muses' Playground, I was the last to finish and my post is here.

Google Plus project 52 - Week 2 - Summer/Winter #iPhoneography

The little Christmas tree was week one (New year) here's week 2;

You can find the other submissions here

I almost chose this one instead;

Apps used for both were - Camera+, Scratchcam and Photo Studio.
