Alas, I don't walk the talk.
Crippled with side and back pain last year, I assumed it was just how Fibro magnified indigestion. I rolled around on the floor in agony for a few hours, swigged some Swedish bitters and eventually the pain abated.
It happened again a week and a half ago. Worse this time and for much longer and afterwards I felt like I'd been beaten up AND run over. 'Oh it's just some weird digestive nonsense after the acupuncture or maybe a virus.' thinks I.
Just less than a week later, still feeling wrung out and tender because the pain had triggered the nerve endings affected by the dreaded herpes zosta virus, it happens again. And lasts a whole day.
FINALLY I think, 'um, maybe I should chat to my GP.'
I did. She was puzzled. Asked me to come to the surgery so she could examine me. The preliminary conclusion is she thinks my gallbladder will need whipping out.
Oh joy.
Scan next week.
Like I need my diet to get any more limited...wonder if Milk of Magnesia helps heartburn too...right now I'm never more than six feet away from a bottle of Gaviscon.
Never. A. Dull. Moment.
I have managed to design a valentine card that I'm going to give away to my email subscribers. Which was a bit of light relief after all the pain related images flowing from my fingers.
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