Monday, 31 January 2011

writing an #artist statement

I'm relatively new to the art world and it's conventions, having been buried in the world of education for so long. Thankfully there's this place called the internet that has information and guidance on all sorts of things. (So long as you don't just believe the first thing you read.)

If you've read any previous entries you'll know that I'm trying to write an artist's statement, there's an open exhibition at a couple of local galleries this year and suddenly it's something that I can't put off any longer. I found lots of 'advice' out there in the blue nowhere, but the most useful was an exercise on Molly Gordon's website. Next most useful was getting a cross section of lovely friends to read it and make suggestions and corrections. Here it is;

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I create to escape reality. Earlier my photography explored the darker side of this. My painting was a search for peace. Recently a reversal has begun. I hope to enable others to relate to the hidden world of chronic pain or to help them to slip away from the confinements of our own various views of reality.

Many of my artistic decisions are born of necessity, ruled by my physical limitations. Photographs and an iPhone app, new or familiar often provide the catalyst. Decisions are instinctive and organic, I create without preconceived ideas or expectations, just allow it to flow. My hope is that I will be able to channel or release a concealed or suppressed truth.

The ongoing challenge is to end up with an image that satisfies my eye and also successfully communicates a mood or message to another; to capture the interest of a passing eye. It matters little to me that the conveyed meaning for the viewer is what I intended, so much as it evokes a response from them. The test for me is to accept the completed image without making a value judgement, to accept that my journey is as eclectic as the Fibromyalgia that I live with every day and to be grateful that my creations allow me to express the pain and the joy of my life.                           

I donate a percentage from every sale to Fibro Action, one of the main UK Fibromyalgia charities.

So that's done. Now on to the pesky CV. Which of course is nothing like what's needed when applying for a teaching job...

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Meditating on trees... #iPhoneArt #kaleidoscopeX

There's something rather peaceful about transforming a familiar image into something quite different. Especially when your control over that transformation is minimal. All that is required of you is a simple decision- does the transformation which follows each brush of the finger please your eye? What becomes of each choice next is unimportant. The choice remains. A moment captured.

Artist Statement...and CV

I'm finally trying to get my head around writing about myself and my art...there's an open exhibition next month near here and I need to look at least slightly organised. (If I'm well enough to get there of course ;)

I realise as I research this that the email I sent to another local gallery recently was woefully inadequate and I'll not be surprised if I don't hear from them...

During my copying and pasting of tips, dug up via Google obviously, I stumbled upon an artist statement generator. Here's mine;

"Through my work I attempt to examine the phenomenon of Pink Panther as a methaphorical interpretation of both Matisse and transforming.
What began as a personal journey of Damnism has translated into images of cherries and Foot that resonate with white people to question their own purpleness.
My mixed media colour embody an idiosyncratic view of Dalai Lama, yet the familiar imagery allows for a connection between Steve McQueen, trees and mangoes.
My work is in the private collection of Mr X who said 'Gosh!, that's some real fascinating Art.'
I am a recipient of a grant from Folsom Prison where I served time for stealing mugs and tie clips from the gift shop of The Dali. I have exhibited in group shows at None and Liverpool Tate, though not at the same time. I currently spend my time between my recliner and Berlin."

THIS IS A JOKE STATEMENT. Make your own here.

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Friday, 28 January 2011

Be vigilant my #Fibro friends...

Folks with Fibro need to be self vigilant. That crippling abdominal pain may just be another Fibro hot spot or it could be your appendix rupturing. (This has happened, though not to me thank goodness) I've said this lots of times, partly to try to convey to non-Fibro folk what the pain's like.
Alas, I don't walk the talk.
Crippled with side and back pain last year, I assumed it was just how Fibro magnified indigestion. I rolled around on the floor in agony for a few hours, swigged some Swedish bitters and eventually the pain abated.
It happened again a week and a half ago. Worse this time and for much longer and afterwards I felt like I'd been beaten up AND run over. 'Oh it's just some weird digestive nonsense after the acupuncture or maybe a virus.' thinks I.
Just less than a week later, still feeling wrung out and tender because the pain had triggered the nerve endings affected by the dreaded herpes zosta virus, it happens again. And lasts a whole day.
FINALLY I think, 'um, maybe I should chat to my GP.'
I did. She was puzzled. Asked me to come to the surgery so she could examine me. The preliminary conclusion is she thinks my gallbladder will need whipping out.
Oh joy.
Scan next week.
Like I need my diet to get any more limited...wonder if Milk of Magnesia helps heartburn too...right now I'm never more than six feet away from a bottle of Gaviscon.
Never. A. Dull. Moment.
I have managed to design a valentine card that I'm going to give away to my email subscribers. Which was a bit of light relief after all the pain related images flowing from my fingers.

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Friday, 21 January 2011

Still AWOL...

Fibro is demanding my undivided attention. Or perhaps I'm having a healing crisis...or it's a flu bug. Suspect and hope healing crisis, as the range and severity of symptoms is like nothing I've gritted my teeth through before.
(I actually googled symptoms the other night! Never done that before....and I apparently announced I was too ill for hospital on Sunday...don't remember that. Most out of character.)
It's all most peculiar.
And rather...wearing.
All I'm managing to do is keep an eye on email and occasionally look at my twitter feed to see what the auto thingy is retweeting. Which is at least helping me keep up with some folks tweets...
If you're waiting for a reply from me, I'm sorry. Hopefully I'll be able to get back to my version of normal soon.
Thanks for understanding.

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Rose burden

Art as therapy.
The Burden - apped with the following;
Kaleidoscope, HDR fix, Shock my pic, Picture Show.

Pain - Trying to live with #Fibro

In the brief moments when I slept, some evil soul ripped the skin from my body and replaced it.
What followed next was a thorough beating.
My skin is not my own.
It shrieks at the touch of cotton nightwear.
My muscles and bones ache with a deep dull constant hum that cannot be ignored.
I feel nauseous.
My body temperature alternates between shivers and flashes of heat.
I do not wish to be here in this moment.
Pain is a terrifying companion.
You adjust to it's constant murmur and sudden spikes, the tender parts that silently scream when someone touches you.
But there's always that vague fear, buried just beneath the surface, that it's waiting to possess you utterly.
It possesses you in such a way that you have no way to distract yourself from it.
It tears at you, moving from one place to the next, ignoring all attempts at appeasement.
I do not wish to be here.
I. Do. Not.

(There'll be radio silence for a while. Hope this explains why.)

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Friday, 14 January 2011

#Free tree #art Calendar...

I have a couple of Tree Art calendars left, (I had to get more printed so now have two left) They are slightly different to the ones sold on Artfire as I added some of my recent snow shots and the Christmas painting.

Everyone who signs up for my mailing list in the next 7 days will go into a draw to win one of the two calendars left. When the lucky two have been chosen, I'll contact you for your address and send you a wall calendar.

I'm not organised/well enough to mail so often you'll unsubscribe, so don't worry about me cluttering up your inbox too often...

Self portrait #iphoneography

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Help needed from #art peeps

I've just encountered this question for the first time;
"Tell us something about your work in 100 words."
Can anyone point me in the direction of advice about this please? Being a newbie I'm not sure what's needed...Thanks lots.

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Monday, 10 January 2011

Muses' update...

If you want to see something new, I just posted some images at Muses' Playground.

A dream unfolding

Today has been another drama packed day...and now is the first chance I've had to read/check email. I often file the tricycle mailings to read another time, but for some reason I read todays;

January 10, 2011
Tricycle Daily Dharma

A Dream Unfolding

Time is very precious. Do not wait until you are dying to understand your spiritual nature. If you do it now, you will discover resources of kindness and compassion you didn’t know you had. It is from this mind of intrinsic wisdom and compassion that you can truly benefit others....Moment by moment, we should look at life as if it were a dream unfolding....In this relaxed, more open state of being, we have the opportunity to gain the infallible means of dying well, which is recognition of our absolute nature.

Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, "In Memoriam"

The Tricycle Bookclub Discussion of Anyen Rinpoche’s new book Dying with Confidence begins today at!

The second week of Thanissaro Bhikkhu's Tricycle Retreat on the 10 Perfections begins today!

(and yes i am exhausted and somewhat unsettled by the effect that acupuncture has had so far and i'm struggling with raised pain levels...but it's not the Dying with Confidence bit that's spoken to me, but rather trying to view life as a dream unfolding. Though I do have to say, i'd be quite happy with a much more boring dream...)


Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Keyboard shortcuts guide

Crystal pool.

How to type the copyright logo with your keyboard.

I've googled and asked and read...all to no avail. My query, as you've probably guessed, was "How do I type a copyright logo?" I just read the answer in Computer Active. Its the 'Alt Gr' key + 'c'
Admittedly that's of little help right now as I'm using my phone...but I have that emoji app thingy so here you are - ©

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Sunday, 2 January 2011

#DigitalArt #art ties

I've been creating ties for my Zazzle store...AND there's 20.11% discount at at the moment :)

Any requests please let me know. I have some designs that I need to 'tile' before I can create any more.

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek