Another painterly app is 'Auto Painter.' (There's Auto Painter ll now as well) This differs from Paint Mee and Artisita Oil in that there are no adjustments possible. These latter two apps let you tweak everything from brush size to colour palette etc. With Auto Painter there are four different filters and that's it. Apart from the option to mask the area you want the most detail added to, but I've not noticed this making much difference really...
Auto Painter one has four filters - Aquarell, Benson, Cezanne, and Van Gogh.
I'm posting this from my phone because I'm in bed, (had a bad week pain and fatigue wise this week.) so I don't know what order the app will post the images in. What I'm aiming for is -
1: The original photograph of a tree (taken with the iPhone 4S) which I then tweaked in Camera+ and turned into a painted version with Paint Mee.
2: The paint Mee version
3: Auto Painter Aquarell
4: Auto Painter Benson
5: Auto Painter Cezanne 6: Auto Painter Van Gogh (I've never seen this filter produce anything I like.)
7,8,9: Are screen shots from the app.