Monday, 30 May 2011

new 'mobile' header

it suddenly occurred to me, (D'Oh!) that as my art is mostly mobile now, I should have a header that was created on my iPhone too. So - new header - using the following apps; Fluid motion, Artista oil,  Crop suey, Scribe it and Picture book (to resize) I confess that I did the final bit of resizing with psp...

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Mandala haiku 1 - new series #iPhone #art


I have the vague idea of using this series to make a little eBook with mediation tips, as a dry run for my SoFoBoMo...more about that another time...because I'll want help from lovely Fibro peeps...

Monday, 23 May 2011

More pink #iphoneography

I know i said I'd just try to use photoforge 2 and nothing else today...but fact is I've done nothing today. Pain's been too bad. Oral morphine tomorrow, unfortunately. The NHS continues to fail me. Hope there'll be a day when I can report differently.

Did the azalea photo above yesterday. I took it with procamera then used photoforge 2. Lastly couldn't resist artista oil.

Camera Apps -
Quickpix is free for a limited time, looks as though it may end up as my go to camera of choice. Mood camera is also free for a while - though I've not played with that yet. The developers blog has some photography tips so is worth a visit.

Sunday, 22 May 2011



A screen cap, photofunia and then plastic bullet (well, I had to ;) all done on iPad. Fun. Only the second time I've ever used images other than my own. Need to play with Juxtaposer more.

Have downloaded the new Photoforge 2, (it's on sale for a limited time app addicts) some things I like, other things I miss. Must be getting set in my ways...will try to 'app' a garden photo just using it tomorrow. GB permitting...

Thursday, 19 May 2011

In the garden #iphoneography #procamera


I was too late for the ProCamera challenge on but it has got me thinking about trying to sometimes use just one app.
Here's my first attempt. Taken in the back garden a short while ago.
(where I am VERY pleased to report there were lots of bees :)

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Leaving 4 #iphoneography


What's up with posterous stats btw? My views have dropped from almost four figures to two...are y'all trying to tell me something??

Watcher - AppIt! 2 - may 2011 - v4


Original image from Elise/AppQueen iirc
Nearly there?

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Watcher. AppIt!2 #ipa #iphoneography

There's a challenge over on the iPhone art site, that I only just became aware of. I've been playing with the image provided and unable to decide about which I prefer...I suppose because I'm not finished with it? So I decided to use strip design to pull some of the likely candidates together... I need to check when the challenge ends, though the activity is fun in itself without entering.
I'm not looking at what's been uploaded so far until I'm finished.

The second challenge photo has been provided by the winner of the precious challenge. I'll add a link the next time I'm on my pc.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

#Fibro - Awareness Day


I had a life once.
A career too. One I was good at.
I made a difference.
Now I'm incredibly lucky if I manage to leave the house once a week, usually it's much less than that.
Not only is my Fibro severe but it's flaring in a scary way right now due to gallstones and an inflamed gallbladder.
Pain levels are off the chart.
There are lots different pains;
Achey rheumatic type joint pains (everywhere);
Pulled muscle pains;
Nerve pains;
Broken bone pains;
Sensitive skin that screams in agony when clothing touches it;
Tender points that make even the lightest of touches from another person agony and often result in an involuntary scream of pain;
In the midst of all these I can still identify the Gallbladder pains. They're different. I'm a pain expert.
But that's just the tip of the Fibro iceberg.

We don't sleep much. Some medicos still consider Fibro to be primarily a sleep disorder. The combination of non-restorative sleep and all those constant pain signals that the brain has bombarding it 24 hours a day mean we're tired.
Not just a bit tired though, not the 'I've had a busy and satisfying day' kind of tired but the wake up in the morning more exhausted than when you went to bed tired.
The kind of tired where picking up a mug of tea seems beyond you.
The kind of tired where having a shower is the achievement of the day and requires a nap to recover from. Heck brushing my teeth and washing my face needs a thirty minute sit down to help me cope with the physical exertion.
And yes, there's more. Of course there's more.
But it can wait.
I'm tired...

Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Some clarification is needed regarding me and Twitter (& other online stuff too I guess.)

Firstly - unless you're very lucky, I'm sure it won't have escaped your notice that I'm waiting for surgery. (I seem to be a little ball of grumbling pain and fatigue recently. Tsk.) Things aren't improving and I'm struggling to keep up with correspondence etc. So, please accept my heartfelt apologies. I miss being up to date with peeps lives...but am just unable to manage. Which I evidently need to try to accept.

Secondly - twitter following...
If you have no bio, or a TeamFollowBack stylee bio, no avatar, don't talk to other tweeps or RT them, I won't follow you back. I'm not on twitter as a popularity contest, trying to gather as many followers as possible, I'm there to meet like minded souls and be inspired. Also, as with everything (see above) it takes me a while to figure out who to follow back etc. So my apologies to genuine tweeps who wonder why I've not reciprocated.

Thanks for reading :) Have a happy week and may your muse be with you.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Abstract 3 - #tinyplanets

Here it is...given the tiny planet treatment. I put it thru photo artista oil as well, but it doesn't work as well IMHO.

Abstract 1 & 2 #iphoneArt

We have another art challenge brewing over at Muses' Playground (& it is a challenge. Very different to usual...) Mimulux has already finished and I'm exploring circles in various apps as a beginning.
I put a substrate image through PictureShow then percolated it.
Wonder what tinyplanet will do to it...