Monday, 28 February 2011

Bedlam #Juxtaposer #iPhone #iPad #art

Watching last weeks Bedlam, put me in the mood for some distressed art...that and a hospital visit ;)
Loving Juxtaposer at the moment...and artista oil.
The stock photo of the moon is from;

Sunday, 27 February 2011

R Gallery Southport, Open Exhibition.

I managed to get to the R Gallery on Wednesday, pesky gallbladder etc made me miss the preview but there are some photos on their website
First few photographs are quick shots taken with my phone (of course) last few are screen shots from the website.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Tomorrow never comes... #art #iPadArt

From an iPhone photo of sand dunes and sky on the sea front at Southport.
Picture Show, PhotoFX ultra, Artista oil, Shock my pic, Picture show again, then finally Juxtaposer.
The extra pics are some of the stages on the way...

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Fear... you see what I see?

The dance #art #digiArt #iPad

Fluid motion, Juxtaposer, art rage, meritum paint, artista oil, picture show, shock my pic. All used on the iPad.

Where she is and why she dances...I do not know.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Fluid dreams of courage #digitalArt #art

To dream of standing tall whilst facing the darkness...


My first canvas and the first real painting I've done in 19 years...
Plus 2 ACEOs.
Very spoon costly and requiring of large amounts of patience due to how long it takes me to do ANYTHING, but very rewarding too.

Monday, 21 February 2011


...and pain. Can you see it? Stopping the evil stomach wrecking NSAID is hellish...anyone out there with a magic wand or some sparkly fairy dust??
No...thought not.

Awareness of awareness.

Tricycle Daily Dharma
Awareness of Awareness

Awareness is the basis, or what you might call the “support,” of the mind. It is steady and unchanging, like the pole to which the flag of ordinary consciousness is attached. When we recognize and become grounded in awareness of awareness, the “wind” of emotion may still blow. But instead of being carried away by the wind, we turn our attention inward: Oh, this is what I’m feeling, this is what I’m thinking.

- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, "The Aim of Attention"

Oh if only...

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Fluid dreams of comfort #art

I've returned to my 'Fluid Dreams' series, a short break from 'The Fire' ;) Much health 'stuff' going on and I suppose the need for comfort has broken through...I've also started painting for the first time in almost 19 years...each canvas will be a long process because I can't work on it for long, but even so it feels good to work with 'real' paint again...and it is a most excellent tool for trying to occupy the mind so much it has less room for least for a little while.

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Into the fire 4 - but which one?

I think this is finished...but I'm really not sure...and right now I'm not even sure which one of these is the 'finished' one...maybe in the morning I'll decide it's neither of them...?

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

#TwitterArtExhibit update - video

The video for the Twitter Art Exhibit in Moss, Norway can now be viewed; here's a screen shot of my little tree...

and here's the video;

Arising and Passing

February 15, 2011 - Tricycle Daily Dharma

Whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral, gross or subtle, every sensation shares the same characteristic: it arises and passes away, arises and passes away. It is this arising and passing that we have to experience through practice, not just accept as truth because Buddha said so, not just accept because intellectually it seems logical enough to us. We must experience sensation’s nature, understand its flux, and learn not to react to it.

—S.N. Goenka, “Finding Sense in Sensation”

Whilst I'm in the quote mood, there are 150 quotes to Inspire you over on the Skinny Artist site


“Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind

born out of struggle between wisdom and madness,

between dream and reality in our mind.”

~Magdalena Abakanowicz

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

the eyes have it...

Photoforge, Fractured, artista oil, artista haiku, pro HDR, art rage.

Saturday, 12 February 2011

Into the fire 5 #art collaboration

Part of a Muses' Playground challenge, to see how I arrived here and what my fellow artists have created, surf on over there -

Friday, 11 February 2011


Ugh...can't sleep...foul heartburn...massively resenting gallbladder. Searching for the image hidden in a photo, but it remains elusive.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

She stoops to conquer

PhotoFX, photoforge, crop suey, artista oil, picture show, camera bag...

Titles wanted...

Hello there awesome ones...I have two painted etchings that I'm going to submit to the Liverpool open exhibition, but try as I might I can't think of titles for them.

'Seated' for one and 'Reclining' for the other is as far as I've got. Is there anyone out there with any other ideas?? My brain is a little too addled right now to make much sense...thanks lots if you can help.

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Going home #liverpool #iphoneography

Custom knitwear - from San Francisco

These custom made gloves (and custom making anything for me must be a nightmare, Fibro is so fussy) were knitted in a lovely pink bamboo yarn by the most awesome Karin SF
Take a peek at her Etsy emporium here-

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Enjoy the moment...

Tricycle Daily Dharma
Enjoy Your Life

If you notice the wonderful smell of the rain, instead of just moving quickly past the experience without deeply appreciating it, you can prolong your contact with this wonderful sensation. Pause for a moment and really let yourself experience the smell of the rain. If you are struck by the blueness of the sky, linger for a moment and breathe mindfully, taking in the wonderful blue color. Don’t rush past these marvelous experiences, treating them as if they are unimportant. To treat them as unimportant is ultimately to treat yourself as unimportant. This is your life: enjoy it!

Thomas Bien, "Water the Flowers, Not the Weeds"

Posted via email from ArtyFibroGeek

Monday, 7 February 2011

Starting 'Into the fire 4'

Where I'm at and the stages that led to it.
Hopefully I'll be able to work on it some more tomorrow. Tired now, I actually managed to get to the R Gallery to submit two pieces, so it'll take a few days to recover.