For those not receiving the email updates from @davidsandumart 's Posterous, here's the latest news... "Upate on #twitterartexhibit: Meeting today with Library Director, head of the Childrens Department, and an emplyee of goverment art agency Punkt Ø. Discussed hanging, PR, and vernisage for opening. Date is now set for Dec 1st. Vernisage set the evening before with refreshments and maybe even wine (cool for a library don't you think?) Decided the exhibit will last two months as a permanent public exhibit. Buyer will pick up the cards the last day or be shipped to them (but pay straight away). Red dots will be used to display sold work. Name tags will be prof printed of each artist, with name, twittername, country, city, and title of work. A white wall (2.80 meters long and 2.40 m hight, will display work on both sides and side in the middle of entry, so people can walk around it. If needs be, a smaller second wall added. Punk Ø will review this process and ask for gov funding. If this does not go through, we will look for new options. Price of each card is set at 200 NOK ($34.00). Discussed what to do with unsold work as this question was raised by artists. Either auction or send back to artist were mentioned as possibilities. PR: A press relase will go out to all major Norwegian newspapers and media. This will be approached as a bigger event than just local (we will try our best!). Library Director in charge of this, while I will focus on the artists/twitter/ answering questions by mail/ helping with hanging/ and interviews etc. Two weeks until opening. Do you feel the good vibes people!! Thank you so much for being part of this. -David *Please be patient with me regarding answering questions, as I get about 100-200 mails per day."